Optika Italy

The company was founded by a physics teacher with great capabilities in combining design skills with teaching sensitivity. The second generation started to manufacture microscopes. The company is growing fast, passing from few employees to more than 60.OPTIKA is a leading manufacturer and supplier of instruments for lab, educational, industrial and medical use, worldwide. OPTIKA Microscopes, With more than 100 models, fully accessorized, to virtually suit every customer need from educational to research applications. OPTIKA Balances, Over 25 series of counting scales for educational, laboratory and industrial purposes. OPTIKA Science, A huge range of instruments, kits and lab furnitures for the school’s scientific laboratories, from primary to high schools.


Educational Microscope , Laboratory Microscope , Industrial Microscope , Digital Microscopy , Refractometer , Polarimeter
SemiMicro Balance , Analytical Balance , Precision Balance , Moisture Balance , High Capacity Balance , Tablet System for Balance
Science Instruments for teaching and students:
Physics, Technique and Energy, Biology, Ecology, Meteorology, Rocks, Fossils and Minerals, Chemistry, On-line Science, Drawing and Mathematics, Multimedia System, Measurement Instrument, General Laboratory Instruments


Digital Microscopy HDMI

Automatic Light Control